
Hi! I am Ashley

Welcome to Savvy Home Fitness!

I am so glad you are here to join me in my love of fitness! I am a stay-at-home mommy to the sweetest little 5-year-old girl, and in my life fitness has ALWAYS been at the forefront, from playing college volleyball to running multiple half marathons!

When my daughter was born I quickly realized that exercise could easily end up on the back burner and I decided that the best way to accomplish my true passion for working out was to do it at home whenever I could squeeze in the time.

Working out from home gets a bad rap, and I’m here to change that! Home workouts can be fun, inexpensive, and just as effective as any gym workout, and I plan to help all of YOU achieve that!

I’m excited to share all of the different ways to effectively work out at home. I’m also super stoked to share a full series on all things Peloton because currently, it is my major obsession for maximizing at-home workouts!

Now let’s get our sweat on!!!

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